Visions of the world and humans in 21st century poetry. Protagonists and motifs in contemporary lyric poetry

Well-known poets talk about the particularities of poetry in the 2020s
  • December 5

  • 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm

The poetic landscape of the 21st century is very diverse: there are more schools and movements than ever before.Yet, there must be something unifying in all of this, some assemblage point that will enable readers to see the whole picture at once.

This will be the topic discussed by renowned poets, editors, and publishers:

  • Dmitry Vodennikov, poet, essayist (Russia)
  • Alexander Pereverzin, poet, editor, publisher (Russia)
  • Akbar Ryskulov, poet (Kyrgyzstan)
  • Valentina Radinska, poet, translator (Bulgaria)
  • Suman Pokhrel, poet, translator (Nepal)