Age of social media: bloggers as participants in the literary process

Amateurs or new professionals? A discussion by authors of major book channels and blogs
  • December 8

  • 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm

Some people believe that these days, literature lives in blogs. Dozens of well-known fiction writers, poets, and critics of today started their literary journey with writing online diaries.

At this roundtable, we’ll talk about contemporary forms of literary criticism, knowledge continuity, and the blurring of lines between well-established literary realms. Differences between book reviewers and “thick journal” critics, and ways to catch a publisher’s attention and find one’s first readers through literary blogs.


  • Egor Appolonov, writer, journalist, blogger (Russia)

  • Valery Shabashov, blogger (Russia)
  • Stanislav Gridasov, journalist, blogger (Russia)
  • Dina Ozerova, blogger (Russia)
  • Lala Hasanova, critic, blogger (Azerbaijan)
  • Ekaterina Petrova, journalist, blogger (Russia)
  • Astier Basilio Da Silva Lima, poet, translator, playwright, blogger (Brazil)